Can't add a task

wallyjava says:
I've tried to add a task on my personal machine with IE 7 and it works fine. However, at work there is some setting that is preventing me being able to add a task. The little annimation just runs and runs and the task is never updated. Anyone else have this? Anyone fixed this?

wallyjava says:
Here is the error if it helps:
Line 1409
Char 162
Object doesn't support this property or method.
Line 1409
Char 162
Object doesn't support this property or method.

sprite1784 says:
I get the exact same error, on the exact same line and char. I just got a new work laptop and this has started.. it was fine on my other machine. I've started playing around with the settings but haven't made it work yet. Will let you know if I get this working.

nycjoepitt says:
I have the exact same problem.