I just lost a note

hemo says:
Hi, and thank you for a great service.
Are you working on any kind of auto save for notes?
I just lost a long note, which I wrote in to a task. When I tried to save the note, RTM just got a connection error and the text was gone.
It was not possible to get the note back by going back or refreshing the page.
This looks like a bug to me, and if RTM has connection problems my text should not be lost, should it?
I never loos things in Gmail when connection problems occurs...
Are you working on any kind of auto save for notes?
I just lost a long note, which I wrote in to a task. When I tried to save the note, RTM just got a connection error and the text was gone.
It was not possible to get the note back by going back or refreshing the page.
This looks like a bug to me, and if RTM has connection problems my text should not be lost, should it?
I never loos things in Gmail when connection problems occurs...

Hi hemo,
maybe you can install RTM offline. With this connection problems will be mitigated and your work will at least not be lost.
maybe you can install RTM offline. With this connection problems will be mitigated and your work will at least not be lost.