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How to link to other protocol than http

lcdolven says:
When you add a link (u), the "http://" prefix is automatically added. This could potentially be a problem, and is for me, when I want to add links to e.g. FTP sites or use UNC paths such as" \\".

Anyone got experience with or suggestions on this?
Posted at 7:38pm on August 26, 2008
arvid says:
Hi lcdolven,

I am able to set for instance ftp:// in front of the URL and it leaves it in tact. The only problem I indeed face is the UNC path, but as already said that is a server path and the box itself only can handle URL addresses (FTP:// is part of that).

So for the moment, the issue you are highlighting is more a limitation of the URL box.

Only valid suggestion would be to use the notes field to list URLs other then HTTP and FTP. Only thing remains is that UNC will not be clickable (also not when using HTML as the notes field strips out any html tags


Posted 16 years ago
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