Tickler file

ericjray says:
Are there any good ways to set up a tickler file or
periodic reminder in RTM (or otherwise, for that
matter) so that the pending events DO NOT appear
until it's time?
E.g., I have a recurring event to take out the trash each
Wednesday evening. I'd rather not even see that show up
until Wednesday, rather than seeing 2 upcoming events
in the interface when I cannot do anything about them.
Redo, an old app on the Palm, did exactly this. I miss it.
Lots of things in the 43 folders tickler file would be great to
add to RTM, but only if I don't see them until I'm ready
to see them.
Is there something I'm missing? Ideas?

Redo was great. I miss it also.
What most people two is one of two things - they either wail and plead for the RTM team to include a start date/hide until feature, or they use smartlists that exclude things in the future. [Some use very clever filters to control what future events appear with very fine controls.]
I encourage you to make your thoughts known with the start date crowd and then start learning about smartlists, because RTM is a great app, but things here do not change quickly.
What most people two is one of two things - they either wail and plead for the RTM team to include a start date/hide until feature, or they use smartlists that exclude things in the future. [Some use very clever filters to control what future events appear with very fine controls.]
I encourage you to make your thoughts known with the start date crowd and then start learning about smartlists, because RTM is a great app, but things here do not change quickly.

This method works well for me: www.rememberthemilk.com/forums/tips/4034/