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task done by?

avid says:
i´m tryin to figure out if it´s possible to see who did the task? so when i share special task with my friends i want to see, who solved it....

can u help me?
Posted at 8:04pm on August 7, 2008
apgordon says:
Hmm. Not sure if there's a way to see who completed the task on the task pane. I guess you could always just have people make a note when they finish that has their name.

The ability to see who completed a shared task in the task pane would be a great feature to have though.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
Hmm. Not sure if there's a way to see who completed the task on the task pane. I guess you could always just have people make a note when they finish that has their name.

The ability to see who completed a shared task in the task pane would be a great feature to have though.
Posted 16 years ago
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