accidently transforming my inbox to a "smartlist"

philippe.bach says:
I accidently transform my "inbox". It became a "smartlist" and no way to undo this, so i have no more inbox !!!
Some help please ?
Some help please ?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey Philippe,
I've just followed up with you via email.
Ordinarily this list should be locked as Arvid mentioned, but it seems like there's a bug here that's allowing it to be changed. We've had a couple of reports of this with Firefox 3, and we're working on tracking this down.
If anyone else experiences this, please let us know.
Thanks! :)
I've just followed up with you via email.
Ordinarily this list should be locked as Arvid mentioned, but it seems like there's a bug here that's allowing it to be changed. We've had a couple of reports of this with Firefox 3, and we're working on tracking this down.
If anyone else experiences this, please let us know.
Thanks! :)

cjdorval says:
I just had this issue come up for me, using Firefox 3. I was editing the search parameters for some of my smart lists and somehow edited the inbox list.

(closed account) says:
After deleting one list, my Inbox also disappeared - what can I do now?

(closed account) says:
I have just re-logged-in and ... wow ... my Inbox has returned.