Tasks in iCal

macke says:
I am working with RTM on my Mac. And I am using iCal. Unfortunately my iCal only shows the tasks imported from RTM that where in my Inbox. All other tasks in my lists do not appear.
My phone syncs with my iCal. So it also does not show the tasks which are not in the inbox of RTM.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
I am working with RTM on my Mac. And I am using iCal. Unfortunately my iCal only shows the tasks imported from RTM that where in my Inbox. All other tasks in my lists do not appear.
My phone syncs with my iCal. So it also does not show the tasks which are not in the inbox of RTM.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey Macke,
Would it be possible to clarify if you're subscribing to the feed of all your lists in iCal?
Would it be possible to clarify if you're subscribing to the feed of all your lists in iCal?