Searching through lists with "contains" modifiers

(closed account) says:
I followed the instructions for the "advanced GTD" ( article in the blog and I love the setup. I have run into one problem though. I would really like to create a smart list for next actions which are work related and one that is personal next actions. The setup has me making lists that are prefixed by wk- (wk-daily, wk-"project Name"...) and ps- for wk and personal lists respectively. The search modifiers list a tagContains:... modifier, however I want one that would be listContains:... This would allow me to create a smart list with the search parameters (listContains:wk- and tag:na). Anyone know a way around this or even understand what I'm talking about.... Kind of sounds like blabbering now that I step back and read this post. Thanks for the help.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey stevedq,
listContains isn't currently available, sorry! I've heard a few requests for it though, so it may be something we can add to our supported search operators in the future.
listContains isn't currently available, sorry! I've heard a few requests for it though, so it may be something we can add to our supported search operators in the future.

(closed account) says:
Thanks Emily
Love your service but I think this would really make the system that was written up in your blog near perfect. Right now the need to sift through individual lists is a downfall for people who dont "work" at just one location. The addition of this feature would definitely make me a believer.
Thanks for an otherwise great product
Love your service but I think this would really make the system that was written up in your blog near perfect. Right now the need to sift through individual lists is a downfall for people who dont "work" at just one location. The addition of this feature would definitely make me a believer.
Thanks for an otherwise great product