Duplicate more than 25 tasks

(closed account) says:
I've got a stock list of items that I use for managing a customer process. The list currently has 38 items on it. My current workflow for duplicating the whole list is:
1. Settings - Lists - Add new list. Let's say I named it "Customer Test"
2. Tasks
3. Select "Template" list
4. Press "a" (to select all items)
5. k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i, sigh loudly about lack of a 'duplicate this whole list' feature
6. Select "Duplicate task"
7. Select "Move to - Customer Test"
8. n
9. k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i, sigh loudly AGAIN about lack of a 'duplicate this whole list' feature
10. Select "Duplicate task"
11. Select "Move to - Customer Test"
Any thoughts on how to do this more efficiently?
I've got a stock list of items that I use for managing a customer process. The list currently has 38 items on it. My current workflow for duplicating the whole list is:
1. Settings - Lists - Add new list. Let's say I named it "Customer Test"
2. Tasks
3. Select "Template" list
4. Press "a" (to select all items)
5. k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i, sigh loudly about lack of a 'duplicate this whole list' feature
6. Select "Duplicate task"
7. Select "Move to - Customer Test"
8. n
9. k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i-k-i, sigh loudly AGAIN about lack of a 'duplicate this whole list' feature
10. Select "Duplicate task"
11. Select "Move to - Customer Test"
Any thoughts on how to do this more efficiently?

One way to add a repeating block of tasks to RTM is to use the email import feature (info here:http://www.rememberthemilk.com/help/answers/sending/importemail.rtm.
If you save your email, then it's a simple matter to resend it when you need that block again.
Once you have the block in RTM, you can select the tasks and use the MultiEdit feature to add the metadata you wish.
If you save your email, then it's a simple matter to resend it when you need that block again.
Once you have the block in RTM, you can select the tasks and use the MultiEdit feature to add the metadata you wish.

(closed account) says:
Follow-on question: I have a number of tags already assigned for these tasks, as well as a few URLs, some custom notes, priorities, etc. I don't see that feature in the import by email function. Is that something I'm missing? Otherwise, the 11-step process I've defined would actually be quicker...

You are right that tasks imported by email list have no meta-data. That was what I was alluding to when I suggested using the Multedit feature.
If the things you bring in share a lot of attributes, then email import is faster; if each requires extensive duplication, then sequential individual duplication is the way to go.
If the things you bring in share a lot of attributes, then email import is faster; if each requires extensive duplication, then sequential individual duplication is the way to go.

dwr816 says:
Could you shorten the task a little bit (and thus reduce the overall sighing and swearing :) by taking advantage of "multi-edit" mode after you've done a "select all"?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
There probably isn't a better way to do this currently, but I just wanted to apologise for the inconvenience of the 25 task duplication limit! Unfortunately there are some technical reasons that it needs to be limited right now, but hopefully we'll be able to lift this limit in the future and you'll be able to duplicate to your heart's content. :)

(closed account) says:
Mulit-edit works for now, particularly for tagging. This is a mild annoyance currently. Give me a couple quarters where this is a regular process and it'll be an increasing annoyance.
When compared to the value I get from my $25 annually, though, keep up the great work.
When compared to the value I get from my $25 annually, though, keep up the great work.