jabber notification does not work anymore

polyformal_sp says:
i noticed that jabber notification ist not working approx. since begin of the week.
Same as by a friend's account.
Dou you have ztechnical issues?
best regards
i noticed that jabber notification ist not working approx. since begin of the week.
Same as by a friend's account.
Dou you have ztechnical issues?
best regards

linkin says:
Does not work for me too.

linkin says:
Oh and ICQ reminder does also not work.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
If you're experiencing a reminder problem and haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a reminder issue report via our support system?
Your report will give us the information that we need to investigate this issue (sorry, it's difficult for us to diagnose problems with reminders via the forums without full details on when/where you expect to receive the reminder etc).
Your report will give us the information that we need to investigate this issue (sorry, it's difficult for us to diagnose problems with reminders via the forums without full details on when/where you expect to receive the reminder etc).