MilkSync and BlackBerry 8830 re: Lists

Hello everyone,
I've consolidated my lists to just 2. After syncing, my BB still shows all the old lists. Some where empty so I manually deleted them but others still show the data that used to be in them.
I temporarily changed the sync to one-way (rtm) and specifically set the 2 lists only to sync in RTM to make it easy for the sync to identify but when it's done it states that no changes exists and nothing changes.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I've consolidated my lists to just 2. After syncing, my BB still shows all the old lists. Some where empty so I manually deleted them but others still show the data that used to be in them.
I temporarily changed the sync to one-way (rtm) and specifically set the 2 lists only to sync in RTM to make it easy for the sync to identify but when it's done it states that no changes exists and nothing changes.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

yzafar says:
I have this same problem...would appreciate help as well.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a MilkSync for BlackBerry issue report via our support system?
Your report will give us the information that we need to investigate this issue and follow up with you via email (it's difficult for us to diagnose problems with MilkSync via the forums, sorry).
Your report will give us the information that we need to investigate this issue and follow up with you via email (it's difficult for us to diagnose problems with MilkSync via the forums, sorry).