Parsing RSS, eliminating parts of feed

itpwebmaster says:
I'd like to parse the returned RSS items and eliminate a few of the returned bits of data - everything but the title and the due date, including the link.
Here is what is returned for each item:
<div class="rssfeed"><a href="[URL]">New General Brochure</a></div>
<div class="rsscontent">
<div><span>Due: </span><span>Thu 10 Jul 08</span></div>
<div><span>Priority: </span><span>1</span></div>
<div><span>Time estimate: </span><span>none</span></div>
<div><span>Tags: </span><span>print</span></div>
<div><span>Location: </span><span>none</span></div>
<div><span>Postponed: </span><span>never</span></div>
<p class="footnote">Source: <a href="[URL]">Steve's Tasks - Communications Projects</a></p>
The second link is easy - the .footnote class just gets the display:none property in my CSS. The rest of the SPAN and DIV have no label.
What to do?
Here is what is returned for each item:
<div class="rssfeed"><a href="[URL]">New General Brochure</a></div>
<div class="rsscontent">
<div><span>Due: </span><span>Thu 10 Jul 08</span></div>
<div><span>Priority: </span><span>1</span></div>
<div><span>Time estimate: </span><span>none</span></div>
<div><span>Tags: </span><span>print</span></div>
<div><span>Location: </span><span>none</span></div>
<div><span>Postponed: </span><span>never</span></div>
<p class="footnote">Source: <a href="[URL]">Steve's Tasks - Communications Projects</a></p>
The second link is easy - the .footnote class just gets the display:none property in my CSS. The rest of the SPAN and DIV have no label.
What to do?

itpwebmaster says:
Oh - and it would be neat to be able to post the notes for the item, as well.

scott.davies says:
What tools/languages do you have at hand? curl? Java?

itpwebmaster says:
I could use, but am not an expert in, Java. My server isn't limited, if that's what you mean.

(closed account) says:
the easiest option is probably to use Yahoo! Pipes (
They have pre-built modules for fetching RSS feeds and filtering them, which you (visually) plug together.
They have pre-built modules for fetching RSS feeds and filtering them, which you (visually) plug together.

itpwebmaster says:
Let's find out! : )

itpwebmaster says:
My brain ... hurts ... : (
Couldn't get it running. I'll be making another attempt, though...
Couldn't get it running. I'll be making another attempt, though...