how do you make sub-lists within a list
ewmay19 says:
Now that I have created my own lists, I am trying to figure out how to create sublists within each list. I am having trouble finding that out on the FAQ page so any help would be much appreciated.
That's because you can't.
Search ther forums for "Sublists", "Dependent tasks" and "Hide tabs" for more discussions about this. Almost all workarounds involve using complicated set-ups of smart lists. I've trying to use all of them until something "clicks" for me in the ease of use departement.
Search ther forums for "Sublists", "Dependent tasks" and "Hide tabs" for more discussions about this. Almost all workarounds involve using complicated set-ups of smart lists. I've trying to use all of them until something "clicks" for me in the ease of use departement.