BB task reminders

dheeren says:
In the MilkSync for BlackBerry guide, it says:
3. Does MilkSync for BlackBerry support setting reminders on tasks when they're synchronized to the BlackBerry?
No. Unfortunately, setting task reminders programmatically isn't possible on the BlackBerry 4.2 operating system.
But the BB OS does support reminders that pop up on the screen and give you the option to “Open” or “Mark Completed,” etc. These reminders can be set manually on the BB from the “Edit Tasks” screen. Couldn’t RTM use the data from Settings > Reminders to update the “Reminder” field of all the tasks in the BB application?
For example, all the events I create in my Google Calendar have a default reminder setting of 30 minutes, which syncs just fine with the “Reminder” field of the “Appointment Details” screen on my BB. Is this any different for the tasks application?
Just curious.
3. Does MilkSync for BlackBerry support setting reminders on tasks when they're synchronized to the BlackBerry?
No. Unfortunately, setting task reminders programmatically isn't possible on the BlackBerry 4.2 operating system.
But the BB OS does support reminders that pop up on the screen and give you the option to “Open” or “Mark Completed,” etc. These reminders can be set manually on the BB from the “Edit Tasks” screen. Couldn’t RTM use the data from Settings > Reminders to update the “Reminder” field of all the tasks in the BB application?
For example, all the events I create in my Google Calendar have a default reminder setting of 30 minutes, which syncs just fine with the “Reminder” field of the “Appointment Details” screen on my BB. Is this any different for the tasks application?
Just curious.

dheeren says: