Showing current list tags

pielgrzym says:
Hello :)
I know that I can create a smart list for a particular tag in my list, but is it possible to configure RTM tag cloud so clicking the tag would show tasks *only* from active list? This would make RTM really fabulous :) I have a 'future items' list where I store things I'll maybe do in the future (GTD methodology). I'd really like to be able to easily navigate through my future items using a tag cloud :)
I know that I can create a smart list for a particular tag in my list, but is it possible to configure RTM tag cloud so clicking the tag would show tasks *only* from active list? This would make RTM really fabulous :) I have a 'future items' list where I store things I'll maybe do in the future (GTD methodology). I'd really like to be able to easily navigate through my future items using a tag cloud :)

pielgrzym says:
bump :]

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi pielgrzym,
It's not possible currently, sorry :(
(If you'd like, you'd be welcome to post this over on the Ideas forum too :)
It's not possible currently, sorry :(
(If you'd like, you'd be welcome to post this over on the Ideas forum too :)

pielgrzym says:
Thanks for the reply :) I'll post it in the ideas then :)

mk_safi says:
Man! my English sux. I posted the same idea in the Ideas forum but I explained it in a convoluted way!
Anyway, +1 for this feature. I think it's useful.
Anyway, +1 for this feature. I think it's useful.