Keyboard shortcut with FF3

mathalot says:
Since upgrading to Firefox 3, there is a single keyboard shortcut that doesn't work for me any longer, and it was one of my favorites! I used to hit ++ / to focus in the search box, and it doesn't work since switching to FF3. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything to do about it?

walkah says:
I can confirm that control+shift+/ no longer works to focus the search box in FF3 or Safari (both on OSX - leopard).
I would love to have this working too :)
I would love to have this working too :)

mathalot says:
I didn't realize until just now that in my post I obscured the actual shortcut. Thanks walkah! Yes, I'd like to have ctrl+shift+/ back!

jarno.keskikangas says:
Any progress on this issue? I would love to have it back. FF3 seems to send following keycodes
ctrl: 17
shift: 16
/ : 191
Thanks for the great app! :)
ctrl: 17
shift: 16
/ : 191
Thanks for the great app! :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
It's on our list to fix -- sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!