"After..." repeating tasks lose their notes

svolix says:
Notes vanish when a repeating task on a "after X days" schedule is generated on the completion of a current task. Is there a workaround for this?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The 'every' repeating option creates a task series (notes and all other task properties are common across all instances of the task).
The 'after' repeating option works a little differently -- it doesn't create a task series, but rather creates a new independent task each time (copying its properties like priority from the old task, but not duplicating any existing notes). Each 'after' task has its own properties and notes, and isn't tied to other tasks.
Hope this helps!
The 'after' repeating option works a little differently -- it doesn't create a task series, but rather creates a new independent task each time (copying its properties like priority from the old task, but not duplicating any existing notes). Each 'after' task has its own properties and notes, and isn't tied to other tasks.
Hope this helps!