E-mail Tasks with only Subject

nosnhojm says:
I am attempting to have my google calendar reminders forwarded to RTM to add them to my todo list 1 week prior; unfortunately, the current e-mail system requires you to use the message body for task parameters, which I can not change with gmail filters. Are there any plans to make these parameters available via the e-mail subject (like the smart firefox gmail addon), or via modifiers (like the + or . operators on the e-mail address itself)? Otherwise, anyone know of any e-mail proxy services that allow you to automatically insert text into a message?

nosnhojm says:
Ok, so this is far too complex, but I could probably have my gmail filter forward the google calendar reminders to some sort of email-to-rss service (something like emailing twitter to update my twitter status, and then using the twitter rss feed), and then using yahoo pipes to parse the rss entry, and then some other rss-to-email service to forward a new message on to RTM. There's got to be a better way.

nosnhojm says:
Ok, so I got everything set up except the last part (the rss-to-email). Every rss-to-email service I've found tends to insert their own text at the begining of each email, nullifying my work. Is there a comparable -start- tag to match the -end- tag for email tasks?