Newbie question

lpidan says:
All I want to do is print all my tasks along with the notes for each task. I can make a smart list to print all my tasks, but how do I get the notes to show up on the print view?

lpidan says:
After reading posts all over the place, I guess I've figured out that RTM doesn't do this.
Unbelievable as that is a primary function for a to do list as far as being able to print it out with your notes and carry it into a meeting with you.
At least I found out before I started using RTM. I guess I'll have to find something else. Too bad, RTM looks so good otherwise.
Unbelievable as that is a primary function for a to do list as far as being able to print it out with your notes and carry it into a meeting with you.
At least I found out before I started using RTM. I guess I'll have to find something else. Too bad, RTM looks so good otherwise.