Twitter and Smart Lists

olsen.jay says:
When I try to use the !getlist function in Twitter to fetch the contents of a Smart List, it doesn't work.
Is this a known problem?
Is this a known problem?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
olsen.jay, it should be working, so we'd love to investigate if it's not working for you.
Would it be possible to contact us and let us know the name of the Smart List that you're trying?
Would it be possible to contact us and let us know the name of the Smart List that you're trying?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi olsen.jay, nevermind on sending the Smart List name -- we tracked down the problem on our end :) We're working to fix this and I'll post again once we're done -- sorry about that!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Now fixed. :)
!getlist should work with both regular and Smart Lists.
!getlist should work with both regular and Smart Lists.

zhc says:
While we're at this topic, can someone say, if it is possible to mark a whole list (real or smart) as completed thru twitter??
I find it cumbersome to complete each task by twit sms'es, and have to log on everyday to mark whatever i've done the prev day as completed.
A command like 'd rtm !completelist SmartList' or 'd rtm !cl SmartList' would be helpful dont you think?
I find it cumbersome to complete each task by twit sms'es, and have to log on everyday to mark whatever i've done the prev day as completed.
A command like 'd rtm !completelist SmartList' or 'd rtm !cl SmartList' would be helpful dont you think?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
zhc, sorry it's not currently possible to perform actions on entire lists via Twitter (although it's an interesting idea!).