Milksync conflict prioritization?

Hi all--I just downloaded Milksync today for my Blackjack/WM6 device today and love the concept.
In other syncing programs (Google sync and Active Sync), users are usually give the option of how to handle conflicting entries--either the computer (RTM webpage) should win or the phone should win. Syncing usually has the option of one-way (computer to phone or phone to computer) or two-way.
Is there a syncing prioritization option within RTM? It appears that the only option is that the computer wins and overwrites the phone.
For example--I had the same reminder (pre-Milksync, remember) on my phone as I had in RTM. I had a longer alert time on my phone's version of the reminder. When I synced with RTM, it overlaid the RTM reminder time and discarded the phone's.
In retrospect, the phone was right, but I couldn't find any way to tell RTM/Milksync that the phone trumps RTM, or how to handle the same task that has conflicting due dates or due times.
If you know the answer, I'd love to hear it!
In other syncing programs (Google sync and Active Sync), users are usually give the option of how to handle conflicting entries--either the computer (RTM webpage) should win or the phone should win. Syncing usually has the option of one-way (computer to phone or phone to computer) or two-way.
Is there a syncing prioritization option within RTM? It appears that the only option is that the computer wins and overwrites the phone.
For example--I had the same reminder (pre-Milksync, remember) on my phone as I had in RTM. I had a longer alert time on my phone's version of the reminder. When I synced with RTM, it overlaid the RTM reminder time and discarded the phone's.
In retrospect, the phone was right, but I couldn't find any way to tell RTM/Milksync that the phone trumps RTM, or how to handle the same task that has conflicting due dates or due times.
If you know the answer, I'd love to hear it!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey Joni, thanks for your feedback.
While it's not possible to choose which will "win" in the case of a conflict (RTM or BlackBerry) with two-way sync, you can set the sync direction if you'd like one side to have the master copy. You can change the sync direction by selecting the Options item on the main MilkSync screen. Choose "From BlackBerry" to only send changes made on the BlackBerry to RTM, or "From RTM" to only send changes from RTM to the BlackBerry.
Conflicts are automatically handled depending on which data has been changed -- notes are typically merged if they've been added/edited on both sides, while the latest to edit a task property will (generally) "win".
I should mention that because it's not possible to accurately tell when a task was actually modified on the BlackBerry, the modification time is considered to be the time that the sync takes place (so if you change a due date for the same task in RTM and on the BlackBerry, and then sync both directions, the BlackBerry will win). There are all kinds of exceptions to work around bugs in the BlackBerry's built-in tasks app, and special handling for repeating tasks, but it tries to handle conflicts as intelligently as possible. :)
Hope this helps!
While it's not possible to choose which will "win" in the case of a conflict (RTM or BlackBerry) with two-way sync, you can set the sync direction if you'd like one side to have the master copy. You can change the sync direction by selecting the Options item on the main MilkSync screen. Choose "From BlackBerry" to only send changes made on the BlackBerry to RTM, or "From RTM" to only send changes from RTM to the BlackBerry.
Conflicts are automatically handled depending on which data has been changed -- notes are typically merged if they've been added/edited on both sides, while the latest to edit a task property will (generally) "win".
I should mention that because it's not possible to accurately tell when a task was actually modified on the BlackBerry, the modification time is considered to be the time that the sync takes place (so if you change a due date for the same task in RTM and on the BlackBerry, and then sync both directions, the BlackBerry will win). There are all kinds of exceptions to work around bugs in the BlackBerry's built-in tasks app, and special handling for repeating tasks, but it tries to handle conflicts as intelligently as possible. :)
Hope this helps!