New Task on Blackberry with No Category

mhershaft says:
This shows up in the Inbox on RTM, but not on the Blackberry. Why is that? Is there a way for it to show up in the Inbox category on the Blackberry?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for reporting this. Currently it isn't adding the Inbox category on the BlackBerry on the first sync (although it will add it if the task is modified on RTM and synced again). We'll get this fixed up in the next MilkSync release so that it will add the category on first sync.

mhershaft says:
Hi Emily - I see this is now in the current version (1.0.6) - Thank You!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Oops, sorry I meant to update this post to let you know. Glad you found it! :)