How long it will take to sync RTM iCal within Google Calendar

crossz says:
Six hours passed by, I kept refreshing the Google Calendar, but it can not show any changes of RTM tasks, which I've modified in RTM.
Except that, I remove the imported RTM inbox Calendar, added again, the correct tasks will show up.
So normally, how long it will take to sync RTM iCal within Google Calendar?
Except that, I remove the imported RTM inbox Calendar, added again, the correct tasks will show up.
So normally, how long it will take to sync RTM iCal within Google Calendar?

wernst says:
Sometimes is takes just a few (3 or 4) hours, while other times it takes a whole day for me.
So basically, if I need to look at an updated calendar view RIGHT NOW, I fire up iCal or Sunbird and have it do an "update remote calendars." Changes then appear within 10 seconds.
Otherwise, I just expect that it will take a day to appear on Google Calendar, which is fast enough for my dentist appointment next month or a trip to disneyland this saturday.
So basically, if I need to look at an updated calendar view RIGHT NOW, I fire up iCal or Sunbird and have it do an "update remote calendars." Changes then appear within 10 seconds.
Otherwise, I just expect that it will take a day to appear on Google Calendar, which is fast enough for my dentist appointment next month or a trip to disneyland this saturday.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Google Calendar refreshes the subscription periodically -- I think it should be updated every 3hrs or so, although it does sound like it some cases it's taking longer. Hope this helps.