Google Gears has a HUGE FLAW

aaronhh says:
I had to uninstall Google Gears because it was taking a REALLY long time to change the name of tags. Since I am accumulating a large amount of tags for different lists, I justifiably decided to change the names of the tags that I use every day to include a dot at the front of every one of these tags so that they would appear at the top of my tag cloud. e.g. changing important to .important and event to .event.
It looked like my hard drive was having an extended episode every time I changed a tag name, so I uninstalled google gears, and the problem went away. Now it only takes a second or two to change a tag name.
Google gears needs to be changed so that it becomes a two step process. Step one: download instructions for changing every affected tag in the computer side database. Step two: the next time RTM goes into off line mode, the instructions can be implemented.
Actually the best way to handle this is to make it an option so that us users can decide (imagine that, users having the choice) if they want to hurry up and wait after changing every single tag, or hurry up and wait all at one time when RTM goes off line.
I am posting this in the help section, because this issue needs help before I will be willing to re-install google gears. And I wouldn't be surprised if other people feel the same way.
It looked like my hard drive was having an extended episode every time I changed a tag name, so I uninstalled google gears, and the problem went away. Now it only takes a second or two to change a tag name.
Google gears needs to be changed so that it becomes a two step process. Step one: download instructions for changing every affected tag in the computer side database. Step two: the next time RTM goes into off line mode, the instructions can be implemented.
Actually the best way to handle this is to make it an option so that us users can decide (imagine that, users having the choice) if they want to hurry up and wait after changing every single tag, or hurry up and wait all at one time when RTM goes off line.
I am posting this in the help section, because this issue needs help before I will be willing to re-install google gears. And I wouldn't be surprised if other people feel the same way.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
aaronhh, I apologise for the delay.
I've been looking into this, but unfortunately I'm not too sure if I have the correct steps involved in the problem.
Would you mind clarifying if you are renaming tag names in Settings/Tags or if you are selecting tasks and multi-editing their tag names?
Also, were you online or in offline mode at the time the problem occurred?
I've been looking into this, but unfortunately I'm not too sure if I have the correct steps involved in the problem.
Would you mind clarifying if you are renaming tag names in Settings/Tags or if you are selecting tasks and multi-editing their tag names?
Also, were you online or in offline mode at the time the problem occurred?

aaronhh says:
Thank you for the response! This was good timing because I have not checked the forums here in a lot of days.
Okay, basically, it is the first scenario that you described. I was online, because the program doesn't let you change tag names in offline mode. I think that is the case, but I don't have it installed anymore so I can't check to see if I remember correctly. I was in the settings section under the tags tab where you have to go to change the name of a tag to a new name. I was not working with tasks in the tasks section but rather changing the names of tags in the settings section.
I suspect that the testing computers used by you, Emily, and Omar, and Bob are a lot faster than my computer, so you might not experience the same issue that I experienced. I have a 5 year old Toshiba Tablet PC with centrino processor. the Portege. It was $2400.00 when it was brand new, but that was a long time ago, and it was not blazing fast even when it was new, because that was not the feature focus of the tablet PC back then, but rather compact size and amazing quality LCD screen. Anyway, I hope this answers your question. It is sort of a shame for you guys to spend time on issues like this because It is not very often that a person would need to change the names of a lot of tags, but it was such a frustrating experience that one time that I changed twenty tag names, that I just couldn't take it anymore, and I uninstalled Google Gears. hehe
No biggy. The world is still revolving around the sun. "Jump Day" didn't set us too far off of our orbit around the sun. hehe
Okay, basically, it is the first scenario that you described. I was online, because the program doesn't let you change tag names in offline mode. I think that is the case, but I don't have it installed anymore so I can't check to see if I remember correctly. I was in the settings section under the tags tab where you have to go to change the name of a tag to a new name. I was not working with tasks in the tasks section but rather changing the names of tags in the settings section.
I suspect that the testing computers used by you, Emily, and Omar, and Bob are a lot faster than my computer, so you might not experience the same issue that I experienced. I have a 5 year old Toshiba Tablet PC with centrino processor. the Portege. It was $2400.00 when it was brand new, but that was a long time ago, and it was not blazing fast even when it was new, because that was not the feature focus of the tablet PC back then, but rather compact size and amazing quality LCD screen. Anyway, I hope this answers your question. It is sort of a shame for you guys to spend time on issues like this because It is not very often that a person would need to change the names of a lot of tags, but it was such a frustrating experience that one time that I changed twenty tag names, that I just couldn't take it anymore, and I uninstalled Google Gears. hehe
No biggy. The world is still revolving around the sun. "Jump Day" didn't set us too far off of our orbit around the sun. hehe