RTM locking when using Prism

mathalot says:
Following a recent Lifehacker post, I tried to throw RTM into its own window using Mozilla's Prism. However, whenever I try to *do* anything (change lists, search, select a task, you name it), it freezes and crashes.
Two questions then: has anyone else experienced this problem? Do you have a solution? (I am aware that the problem here might be on the Prism end of things, but I thought I'd post here just in case.)
Two questions then: has anyone else experienced this problem? Do you have a solution? (I am aware that the problem here might be on the Prism end of things, but I thought I'd post here just in case.)

mathalot says:
For what it's worth, I've isolated the problem a bit more. I point Prism to the RTM url, and it loads up the page just fine. Additionally, I am able to use my mouse to select different lists and click on tasks, but as soon as I try to use a keyboard shortcut, the window freezes. From that point on I cannot do anything, even with the mouse, and I need to force the app to close.
ranbarton, just out of curiosity, what version of prism are you using? To what url did you point it to create this RTM in Prism application?
ranbarton, just out of curiosity, what version of prism are you using? To what url did you point it to create this RTM in Prism application?

joefrese says:
I'm having a similar problem with Prism for Linux . . . The window locks up for a spell after doing something as simple as clicking on a task. It recovers after maybe 30 seconds, but that's long enough to make RTM basically unusable.

ackbarr says:
I can confirm the problem after upgrading to Prism 0.9 in XP. Mouse actions work fine, but keyboard shortcuts cause Prism to hang

mathalot says:
Yup, I just uninstalled Prism 0.9, installed Prism 0.8, and RTM works just fine, keyboard shortcuts and all. Strange!

bradsjue says:
Is there any plans for RTM to create an application bundle for Prism?

ackbarr says:
BTW - I posted this as a possible bug in Prism 0.9:

bmackenzie says:
I ahve the same issue with RTM and Prism 9.0. Changing a tasks name, date, etc crashes Prism. The entry I altered is truly altered, but I believe there may be a problem when RTM displays the notification which allows you to undo what you just did. The problem also arises from the overview page when I click on a task.
Waiting 30 seconds to a minute unfreezes the application. I am using Ubuntu 7.10.
Waiting 30 seconds to a minute unfreezes the application. I am using Ubuntu 7.10.

amprasad says:
I have a similar problem with Prism 0.9 and RTM. Hangs !!!!