Email reminders for tasks with times

dj.scott.stankowitz says:
All of my tasks have times associated with them, and I am wondering how to ensure I get reminded an hour before they are due. For example, I have my daily reminder set to "On the day", and "1 day" before, at 8am. Tasks with a due time set to "at the time" and "1 hour" before the task is due. So, if a task is due at 8:30am, I would think I should get 3 emails: the "1 hour" before reminder email at 7:30, then my daily reminders at 8:00, then the "at the time" email at 8:30. Instead, I only received the 8:00 and the 8:30 emails.
The missing email is not in my junk email folder although the corporate email server may have gobbled it up, as I think i did not receive the "correct" emails yesterday either. Can someone please confirm that what I think the "expected behavior" should be is correct, and why i would only receive two and not three emails in this case.
Thanks in advance.
All of my tasks have times associated with them, and I am wondering how to ensure I get reminded an hour before they are due. For example, I have my daily reminder set to "On the day", and "1 day" before, at 8am. Tasks with a due time set to "at the time" and "1 hour" before the task is due. So, if a task is due at 8:30am, I would think I should get 3 emails: the "1 hour" before reminder email at 7:30, then my daily reminders at 8:00, then the "at the time" email at 8:30. Instead, I only received the 8:00 and the 8:30 emails.
The missing email is not in my junk email folder although the corporate email server may have gobbled it up, as I think i did not receive the "correct" emails yesterday either. Can someone please confirm that what I think the "expected behavior" should be is correct, and why i would only receive two and not three emails in this case.
Thanks in advance.

meclone2 says:
In addition, RTM reminds me of my tasks 2 days before they are due, at 11pm every day. I'm trying to to change my email reminder settings, but I can't seem to do that. I've tried the "Settings" tab, and the only thing I can change there with regards to email reminders is *where* they are sent to. Help?

meclone2 says:
Oh, I just found it. Sorry, thanks.

dj.scott.stankowitz says:
It seemed to behave properly today. So, maybe just an email glitch. Nevermind...
It seemed to behave properly today. So, maybe just an email glitch. Nevermind...

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Scott, please let us know if you experience any further problems with reminders -- we can check into this. Thanks!