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Gmail keeps kicking you out? Try turning off https SSL

adria.richards says:
I sent a support request today about this. I really like Lifehacker's new "Better Gmail 2" addon for firefox. I only switched to the new Gmail interface because of RTM's plugin. It seemed fine at first and then I was getting logged out of RTM Gmail every few minutes.

I cleared my cookies for both RTM and Gmail/Google to no avail.

I turned off force https in the Better Gmail 2 extension and now I stay logged in.

RTM Devs, can you fix this?

Posted at 4:04am on January 24, 2008
arrowphoto says:
I am not about to turn off secure access to Gmail for RTM. I really like the looks of RTM and I like the idea of tasks in Gmail but I can't use RTM because of login issues. Disabling secure login to Gmail is just not an option.
Posted 17 years ago
adria.richards says:

I hear you. It ended up not being the solution anyway...

Another thing I notice is after I chose "Log out of Tasks" from the RTM Gmail sidebar, the login page always shows the checkbox to "remember" as empty.

I want cookies with my RTM
Posted 17 years ago
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