daily email suddenly empty

tabitham says:
I have a number of continuing tasks that I set to appear in my daily todo email. A few days ago, nearly all of them simply stopped appearing. I have just checked the site and find that their due dates have all been reset to Jan 8 08. They are still set to repeat daily but have not been doing so. The one task that has continued to appear has lost its original due date, which has been reset not to a date, but to a time: 8:08.
Clearly something's going on that involves the number 8. CAn anyone shed any light on this weirdness? Do I have to go back and reset all my due dates--and simply hope that they will stick?
This is pretty distressing. I hope it distresses RTM too. For one thing, I give talks on "the digital office" to large groups of writers (200+) and up to now RTM has been my #1 recommendation for a todo list. But obviously the first task of a todo list is reliability.
How do we fix this and prevent it from happening again?
Clearly something's going on that involves the number 8. CAn anyone shed any light on this weirdness? Do I have to go back and reset all my due dates--and simply hope that they will stick?
This is pretty distressing. I hope it distresses RTM too. For one thing, I give talks on "the digital office" to large groups of writers (200+) and up to now RTM has been my #1 recommendation for a todo list. But obviously the first task of a todo list is reliability.
How do we fix this and prevent it from happening again?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
tabitham, we'd like to investigate this and see what's happening here. Would it be possible to contact us and let us know the names of the tasks affected, as well as which list/s they're in? We can check into this on our system and see why the tasks have changed. Thanks!