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Changing Gmail display language to English(UK) breaks RTM?

planetthoughtful says:
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a workaround to get RTM to appear in GMail using the FireFox extension when the 'Gmail display language' setting (on the General settings tab) is set to 'English (UK)'? Whenever I change this setting from English (US) to English (UK), the RTM panel on the right disappears, and the email list goes straight across the page.

This has an impact on the date format being displayed by Gmail, and I'd find it much easier to have these in dd/mm/yyyy format rather than in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Any help appreciated!

All the best,

Posted at 4:08am on January 3, 2008
tclutterbuck says:
I think that the new Gmail is only available in English (US). So if you change to UK there is no new interface so no hooks for RTM.

Very annoying I agree, but the result of Google's strange rollout practices, not RTM.
Posted 17 years ago
planetthoughtful says:
Hi tclutterbuck, thanks for pointing that out -- I hadn't noticed that the UK interface was the old version.

All the best,

Posted 17 years ago
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