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invalid name tags

rick.rudden says:
I try to create new tag titled "for end of month", and I get this response: This doesn't look like a valid tag name. Please choose another name. What am I doing wrong?
Posted at 7:58pm on November 16, 2024
kev1n says:
Spaces (and quotes) are not allowed in tag names. I don't know if this is documented anywhere.
Posted 16 weeks ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi rick.rudden,
Sorry about that! Yes, tags cannot contain spaces and can only contain letters, numbers, and the following characters:

+ - . @ _

I'll put this on our list to document in the Help pages and will suggest making that error message include the reason/characters as well. Thanks for sharing your experience! 💙
Posted 16 weeks ago
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