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Smart List for Start Date by No Due Date

ocder says:
I have Monitor lists (Monitor Receipt, Monior Response, Monitor Status) where I enter the date I ordered a product, or the date I contacted someone and am waiting for a response, or am waiting for someone to do something. While adding a new Task, using Smart Add I can enter Start Date, Priority, Tags and contents of the Note, but I haven't figured out a way to exclude the Due Date (There is no due date.) Any suggestions?
Posted at 6:43pm on August 14, 2024
ocder says:
I figured it out as soon as I posted this question: Smart Add for Due Date is ^never.
Posted 7 months ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi ocder,
Thanks for getting in touch. I'm glad you were able to find the "never" option! Yes, that's the way to set "no due date".

It's also possible to set a default of "no due date" in the Account Settings if that's what you prefer too.

Let us know if we can ever help with anything else! 💙
Posted 7 months ago
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