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DueBefore with past dates

jcallaway says:
Is it possible to use dueBefore to reference a date prior to yesterday? I've tried many variants without success
dueBefore:"3 days ago"
:"last week"
:"last month"
:"today -7 days"
:"-4 days"

None return the results I was hoping for.
Posted at 11:25pm on March 16, 2024
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi jcallaway,
Currently the date searches like this don't work with fuzzy date searches in the past. So "3 days ago" won't work but "16 March 2024" or "March 16 2024" would work.

Sorry for the inconvenience here.

I hope this helps for you but keep me posted on what you find!
Posted 9 months ago
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