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Task when added is missing some characters - web app

travis.neale says:
I just tried to add a task "MON - add tool tip" and the task adds as "- add tool tip". If I try to add "FOO - add tool tip" it works fine. I just realized it thinks I mean Monday when I type MON, but here I mean "Monitor". Is there a way to turn off that function? I can add it as "MON-add tool tip" and then edit it and add the spaces, but that's kind of a pain. Meh, just letting you know of general user confusion. I didn't know that feature existed. Are there other shortcut words?
Posted at 4:46pm on January 4, 2024
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi travis.neale,
Yes, you can disable this date detection in the Account Settings. (It's also possible to override it without disabling it, if that's what you prefer.)

Generally, with it enabled it just looks for a date in any form.

I hope this helps but let me know if I can help with anything else!
Posted 1 year ago
kev1n says:

You teased,
(It's also possible to override it without disabling it, if that's what you prefer.),
but did not explain. I don't find an override in keyboard shortcuts or the help documentation. Could you tell us how to do this override?
Posted 1 year ago
mirthless29 says:
Try this topic:
Posted 1 year ago
kev1n says:
Ah, quotes. Thank you.
Posted 1 year ago
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