Completed task back to incompleted mistakenly

wpietron says:
Hello, I noticed that some of my completed tasks (not all of them) get back to incompleted task list after several minutes. I noticed that if I rename the task and mark as completed it gets back incompleted with old name. Is there any way I may debug it and send for support verification?

(closed account) says:
There is something familiar about what you're describing. Have you done a search in the forums to see if this has been posted before?
Do you use RTM on multiple platforms? Maybe there's a sync problem. What happens if you complete a task using a different platform? Does the same thing happen?
Do you use RTM on multiple platforms? Maybe there's a sync problem. What happens if you complete a task using a different platform? Does the same thing happen?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi wpietron,
Thanks for getting in touch and reporting this issue. Sorry to hear that!
If this is happening with repeating tasks, you may want to look at this page for some troubleshooting steps.
Otherwise can you contact us so we can help further? We'd love to help with any kind of sync problem like geojono mentioned.
Thanks for getting in touch and reporting this issue. Sorry to hear that!
If this is happening with repeating tasks, you may want to look at this page for some troubleshooting steps.
Otherwise can you contact us so we can help further? We'd love to help with any kind of sync problem like geojono mentioned.

wpietron says:
Hi @andrewski, that was my case! Thank you very much for your effective support.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi wpietron,
I'm glad to hear that helped! 💙
I'm glad to hear that helped! 💙