Is RTM Dying?

abhay.kushwaha says:
I do not see active Forums, not much discussion on social media, etc. and I am wondering if RTM is dying out slowly? Are the Pro numbers growing or reducing? Are there enough subscribers to not only sustain but to justify investment in new feature and releases? Should I be worried about RTM shutting down with a short (or even long) notice?

(closed account) says:
I've also been a little concerned about the lack of forum posts and blog posts, and the lack of visible action like we saw pre-pandemic. Andrew is a frequent poster here in the Help Forum and the other forums, but not much else seems to be happening, information-wise. Though there have been updates to the apps, so that would indicate that there's still something going on with the developers.
It's a good question, and I don't know that it's something that will be answered right away. If RTM is dying, they certainly wouldn't want to say that until they're ready to publicly announce its demise. To do so would be to cause a LOT of their customers to start jumping ship immediately.
If, however, RTM is still doing well as a business, then that could easily be reported.
That's my brainstorm, for what it's worth.
It's a good question, and I don't know that it's something that will be answered right away. If RTM is dying, they certainly wouldn't want to say that until they're ready to publicly announce its demise. To do so would be to cause a LOT of their customers to start jumping ship immediately.
If, however, RTM is still doing well as a business, then that could easily be reported.
That's my brainstorm, for what it's worth.

Having gone through the death of Toodledo to do program/app - there wasn't a major upgrade in a year or more, just necessary tweaks to stay current with browser updates. (Toodledo was actually resuscitated recently... as a standby...)
RTM friends, tell us what's up and what's over the horizon please.
RTM friends, tell us what's up and what's over the horizon please.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for your concern and support everyone! We appreciate it always but especially the past two years when so much is affected. We're a small team and sometimes things like new stuff and responding to your messages takes longer than we'd like.
We are working on new stuff and we apologize for being a bit more quiet than usual, but we are still available to help with anything, and we do read the forums. (We respond in the Help forum but not necessarily in the others, but we read them all.)
We say this on the blog periodically but this bears repeating: we do this whole thing thanks to you, and we really appreciate it! You have our gratitude every day. 💙
We are working on new stuff and we apologize for being a bit more quiet than usual, but we are still available to help with anything, and we do read the forums. (We respond in the Help forum but not necessarily in the others, but we read them all.)
We say this on the blog periodically but this bears repeating: we do this whole thing thanks to you, and we really appreciate it! You have our gratitude every day. 💙

(closed account) says:
Thanks for the reply, Andrew!

pk2155 says:
I came here because I was wondering the same thing. I miss the Tuesday blog posts and seeing new features from time to time. RTM is a very mature product and isn't missing any must-have features, but there are lots of great ideas in the ideas forum and I'd love to see a few of those implemented.

pk2155 says:
Hit enter too quick. I wanted to add that my absolute favorite suggestion is to add the option to show completed tasks in the same window as incomplete, but crossed off.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It's helpful to know that you miss the Tips & Tricks posts! I will pass that on to the rest of the team.
And keep the feedback coming about features in the apps and everything else! We do really appreciate it. 💙
And keep the feedback coming about features in the apps and everything else! We do really appreciate it. 💙

To be honest you haven’t answered the question Andrew. Many of us are worried that RTM is dying and will stop functioning sooner than later. Many of us reluctantly are looking at alternatives just in case and perhaps some have already switched. It would be wise for your team to actually have a regular social media post at a minimum and not just ‘help’. Yes RTM works very well but it is already looking very dated and missing some much requested (popular elsewhere) features. So….please let us know if there are plans for an update soon or at the least PLEASE offer us all a roadmap? Thanks so much!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for your feedback, yyaboo. We don't have a specific roadmap or news or timing to share right now, but we are working on the apps and we always read all your feedback too! 💙

steve.king says:
I really hope that RTM is going to continue. I used to use it heavily, then took a break to try other solutions for a while (I was a bit put off by a hefty price increase), and have recently come back to it because it is definitely functionally the best task (web) app.
It would be nice to have better integration with Alexa, mainly so I can add more flour to my shopping list while my hands are covered in dough - using IFTTT is OK but its one hour delay can be awkward because a late addition sometimes doesn't arrive until after you've left the shop.
Also the appearance could do with sprucing up.
But as I say, functionally the best choice on the market.
It would be nice to have better integration with Alexa, mainly so I can add more flour to my shopping list while my hands are covered in dough - using IFTTT is OK but its one hour delay can be awkward because a late addition sometimes doesn't arrive until after you've left the shop.
Also the appearance could do with sprucing up.
But as I say, functionally the best choice on the market.

Thanks abhay for bringing this up - I was considering creating a similar post (fun fact: as an rtm-task "added Thu 8 Oct 2020 at 14:31" :D)
Since some members mentioned their personal wishes, I'd like to add mine as well. Here's my subjective list of missing and highly anticipated improvements:
- new search operator: hasUncompletedSubtasks
Android app
- option to duplicate tasks
- DirectAction-shortcut to add a new task (I believe, something similar is already live for iOS users)
Gmail addon:
- option to set e-mail received date as task start date
It's nice to see the development of MilkScript as a massive improvement now; I can hardly imagine what awesomeness this will do to my task board. But still: there are a lot of low hanging fruits for RTM being even more perfect (that being said: RTM still IS the best todo management tool).
Since some members mentioned their personal wishes, I'd like to add mine as well. Here's my subjective list of missing and highly anticipated improvements:
- new search operator: hasUncompletedSubtasks
Android app
- option to duplicate tasks
- DirectAction-shortcut to add a new task (I believe, something similar is already live for iOS users)
Gmail addon:
- option to set e-mail received date as task start date
It's nice to see the development of MilkScript as a massive improvement now; I can hardly imagine what awesomeness this will do to my task board. But still: there are a lot of low hanging fruits for RTM being even more perfect (that being said: RTM still IS the best todo management tool).

Disappointing to see that yyaboo's post above has been ignored - this being part of the issue that's being raised here.
Reading between the lines is seems that RTM is run by Bob and small team of techies who lack customer focus.
There appears to be little visible development, support or marketing of the product. This should be of concern to everyone.
I think it would be helpful if the one person who takes the trouble to stick his head above the parapet were honest and gave us a bit more genuine information about where Bob is headed.
Reading between the lines is seems that RTM is run by Bob and small team of techies who lack customer focus.
There appears to be little visible development, support or marketing of the product. This should be of concern to everyone.
I think it would be helpful if the one person who takes the trouble to stick his head above the parapet were honest and gave us a bit more genuine information about where Bob is headed.

(closed account) says:
"Is RTM dying?" has been asked on a regular basis. Zero communication except this help page. Rare feature enhancements. Etc. I've been a user for years & the response to this question has never changed.
Andrewski is the only one who talks to us. Is he the only one?
Andrewski is the only one who talks to us. Is he the only one?

pk2155 says:
The silence speaks volumes... I've been a premium subscriber for many years, but I'm now shopping around...

zenistar says:
I've been a pro user for close to 15 years, having a second account for my wife and have also had small teams using the system and giving them pro licenses.
I understand that the team is small and that you are 'working on the apps' but to be frank, the lack of information is incredibly worrying, and the lack of any form of roadmap or visible plan to deliver features is off-putting for any new user and frustrating as hell for existing users.
There are ideas, simple things like MFA, that have been active for nearly as long as I've had a pro subscription and not yet implemented.
My subscriptions renew in November and I'm seriously considering other options before I get to that point. The lack of communication is at the point where I question if RTM will still function when I open the app or if the servers will have gone offline.
My life and work is in RTM, my family's too, I'm damn sure to take a backup export on a very regular basis....
I understand that the team is small and that you are 'working on the apps' but to be frank, the lack of information is incredibly worrying, and the lack of any form of roadmap or visible plan to deliver features is off-putting for any new user and frustrating as hell for existing users.
There are ideas, simple things like MFA, that have been active for nearly as long as I've had a pro subscription and not yet implemented.
My subscriptions renew in November and I'm seriously considering other options before I get to that point. The lack of communication is at the point where I question if RTM will still function when I open the app or if the servers will have gone offline.
My life and work is in RTM, my family's too, I'm damn sure to take a backup export on a very regular basis....

zenistar says:
I've just gone through the process of moving all of my tasks to Todoist, unfortunately I won't be renewing my pro subscriptions in November :(

pk2155 says:
zenistar says: "My life and work is in RTM, my family's too, I'm damn sure to take a backup export on a very regular basis...."