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The Android app pops up Daily Digest notification when it is disabled

shurikr says:
After recent update to android application (due to continuous crashes of the latter) the daily digest notification started popping up every morning.

The "Contact Preferences" configuration in the account settings contains single e-mail entry with only "Notifications" enabled and "Daily Digest" + "Reminders" disabled.
Posted at 1:03am on February 28, 2022
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi shurikr,
Sorry again about these crashes on Android. We're glad the app is working for you again!

The Daily Digest is enabled separately for the Android app, and you may need to disable it in the app's Settings separately. (It doesn't show in the web/desktop app since it is alerted locally and not pushed from the server.)

Sorry about that, and I hope this works for you!
Posted 3 years ago
shurikr says:
I do not see an ability to disable daily digest in the app. The "Daily Digest" settings page has single "Open Notification Settings" button (which leads to global notifications enable/disable page), and the text: "To change your preferences for start or due time reminders please visit the website".

Please post detailed navigation instructions to disabling "Daily Digest" reminders.
Posted 3 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi shurikr,
Yes, that should be correct:
* App Settings > Daily Digest
* Press "Open Notification Settings" button
* Android Settings should open, with the heading at the top being "Daily Digest"
* Disabling here will only disable the Daily Digest

You could alternatively go through the Android Settings: Apps & notifications > Remember The Milk > Notifications, and you will see all the notification categories broken out there.

I hope this helps but keep me posted on what you find!
Posted 3 years ago
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