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Desktop Reminder

tyrntyrn says:
Hello, I selected Desktop Reminder as one of my reminder preferences, but I don't see my reminder on the desktop. I would be grateful for an answer.
Posted at 6:38pm on February 19, 2022
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi tyrntyrn,
Sorry these aren't working. I suspected you may be using the desktop app in your other example but can you contact us about your specific app? Thanks!
Posted 3 years ago
tyrntyrn says:
Hello sir, and thank you for replying. I'm using Windows 10.
Posted 3 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi tyrntyrn,
I see you emailed us also and I'll continue there because we may need to get some more specifics. Thanks again for reaching out!
Posted 3 years ago
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