Parent/Child Tasks
brad.halcrow says:
I'm considering the move from Vitalist. Which I loved. I realise I can set my own lists, but in Vlist I could set Projects and SUB/CHILD-projects. Can I do something simlar with RTM tasks/lists?
dannydeberry says:
I used to think I wanted this feature, but after reading David Allen's "Getting Things Done" I've decided it would actually complicate things. Right now I'm using RTM to list all my projects and only the next actions to take on them, and to map my projects out. By using both I get a better visual of the path I need to take and a quick scannable list of what I should be doing without having to think about it.
dannydeberry says:
If done I would love for it to be implemented in a non-obtrusive way for those of us who don't see the need.