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Adding tasks from Apple Watch will never add or add twice

nyber says:
When I use my Apple Watch to add tasks then sometimes the task will add twice and other times it won't add at all. I really like the ability to quickly record something that I don't want to forget about while I'm away from my computer. For example last night when I walked past my laundry basket I used my watch with the goal of recording "Do the laundry." But today I don't see the task in my inbox.

First please fix this bug. Second are things I can do to work around this annoying bug? I try to always keep the Apple RTM App open after I click on save in hopes that this will help. Does that help? Are there other things I can do? Also frequently it will add the same task twice, which is also very annoying because then when I complete it then the other copy will still be in my Inbox so I have an incoming list that I can check for new tasks to delete the 2nd copy. I wish the Watch app was more reliable but in the mean time what can I do to reduce how common this 2nd copy problem is?
Posted at 4:38pm on January 2, 2021
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi nyber,
Sorry to hear this and sorry for the delay over the holidays!

Keeping the app open can definitely help make sure that watchOS doesn't terminate the sync.

If that's not enough though, it may help to reset the app: you can remove it from your Apple Watch via the Watch app on your iPhone, then add it back.

After you open it again it will resync via your iPhone and then may behave better subsequently. Keep me posted on what you find!
Posted 4 years ago
agentcunningham says:
I add a task via Siri on Apple Watch, using phrase "add apples to my shopping list in RTM." Siri responds with confirmation.

The task is not synchronized with iPhone or Web until I actually open the RTM app on the watch. This is not ok - it should sync without having to open the watch app. I have already tried removing and re-installing the watch app.

I just re-purchased Pro because Siri integration is very important to me. Please advise when you can fix. Thank you.

I have iOS 14.3 and Watch OS 7.2.
Posted 4 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi agentcunningham,
The watchOS app will sync, but this may be limited by background refresh on your Apple Watch.

Ultimately the watchOS app is limited by two things: watchOS background activity schedule, and the CPU/time given to the app by watchOS. Both of these can cause the app's syncs to be delayed.

As you've noticed, opening the app in the foreground doesn't have those limits and will cause a sync to happen right away.

Hope this helps for you! Let me know if you are noticing longer sync delays (for example a task you add doesn't sync by the end of the day).
Posted 4 years ago
coasterguy53433 says:
I have this problem too. The RTM app on Apple Watch sync has always been buggy like this, despite multiple attempts to resolve the problem — including reinstalling and keeping the app open.
Posted 4 years ago
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