Subtasks in completion order

(closed account) says:
Trying to save our marriage by communicating better and working together on projects.... I've made a task, where subtasks MUST be performed in order, but can be assigned to different people.
When I open the task, the subtasks are all out of order so it's confusing to see what we have to do next. Is there a way to keep subtasks in relative chronological order, short of setting an absolute due time for each one? We need to be able to set VERY micro-level tasks, almost on the order of "1. stab meat with fork 2. cut meat with knife 3. lift fork to mouth..."
I've tried searching, i'll maybe try touring again.
When I open the task, the subtasks are all out of order so it's confusing to see what we have to do next. Is there a way to keep subtasks in relative chronological order, short of setting an absolute due time for each one? We need to be able to set VERY micro-level tasks, almost on the order of "1. stab meat with fork 2. cut meat with knife 3. lift fork to mouth..."
I've tried searching, i'll maybe try touring again.

(closed account) says:
According to the ? icon to the right of the sorting criterion for subtasks, subtasks are always sorted the same way as the parent task is - in the list it belongs to, so if you sort the list (so, not the Today smartlist, but the actual list) by task title, it would then sort the subtasks also by their name. You can then use names like "01 Do this","02 Do this". Or you can sort the list by drag and drop - and then you can also sort your subtasks just as you wish:-) But when you change the sorting of the list, you get the mess again, so think twice.