See tasks and the sub tasks in a smart list
I create tasks with sub tasks. I want to see a smart list showing tasks and sub tasks that meet the criteria of the smart list and in some cases both the parent task and sub tasks meet the criteria. This seems to have fallen foul of the RTM rule that a smart list does not show a sub task if the parent task also appears in the list. I think I've raised this before. I can't see the logic of this exclusion. If I have a parent task that should be completed by the end of the week and I have sub tasks contributing to that parent task that need to be completed in the days before the parent tasks' completion why isn't it reasonable to expect to be able to view both in the same smart list. My difficulties would be solved if both tasks and sub tasks are displayed if they meet the criteria regardless of whether parent tasks appear in the list or not. Is there another way of achieving what I want with the features currently available?