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Cannot access!forum/rememberthemilk-api

sfacm says:

When trying to access!forum/rememberthemilk-api I get:
Content unavailable
Double-check the link, or try switching accounts

I saw another post with the same problem, but workaround proposed does not help me, I cannot ask to join the group?!?


Posted at 8:39am on September 3, 2020
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi sfacm,
Sorry it's not possible to join the group right now. It seems like there's an issue with Google Groups and the available buttons.

A fellow user sent a workaround a few months ago, which may work for you:

Click the red New Post button, then fill out the Join This Group form and click the blue button. Afterward you can ignore the post composition form and click on the group name in the Recents left sidebar.

Hope this helps!
Posted 4 years ago
sfacm says:
Hi andrewski ,

Unfortunately, the workaround does not work for me, as I already mentioned, I do not get Join This Group form.

How come that other Google Groups work and yours not?

Where I can get some help with RTM API?

Thanks for your time
Posted 4 years ago
jennifer.goslee says:
Is there an update to this issue? Perhaps bringing the discussion back to these forums?
Posted 4 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi jennifer.goslee,
Sorry to hear you're affected by this too!

We don't do anything special in our Google Group, but it's possible that that workaround may not work for everyone.

One extra thing that may help: Google Groups is changing their format, and the new format does seem extra opaque about joining a group.

Can you try switching back to the older Groups interface at the top right? Then you should see the red "New Post" button that should hopefully work for you.

Keep me posted on what you find!
Posted 4 years ago
jennifer.goslee says:
Even with the old ui I do not see a join this group option. Can you invite the gmail account I use for RTM?
Posted 4 years ago
jennifer.goslee says:
Ok I was eventually able to make it let me in. Switch to the old UI, THEN paste!forum/rememberthemilk-api, then join this group.

Searching for the group doesn't find it.

I'd definitely suggest this needs a platform change, google groups not exactly being a popular hotness at google.
Posted 4 years ago
dave.liao says:
Dang, that didn't work for me! 😢
Posted 4 years ago
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