Network error occurs

orns says:
I got network errors. I can't sync App data.

joshua.steele says:
Yep. Broken. Status is all "operational" right now though, so who knows.

phyneas says:
Same here, keep on getting a No connection message even though the phone otherwise connects to the Internet just fine.

janos.sebok says:
Same here. No connection on Android app, browser version is working

phyneas says:
It seems to be working again for me. I tried changing Sync Mode in Settings to each option, but that didn't work originally. Then I went in and deleted something I'd added after it stopped working and it started working again. So I'm not sure what did it, maybe they fixed it on their end.

phyneas says:
I also tried having my webapp, my phone app, and my computer app all open at the same time, and then edited something, so maybe that helped?

janos.sebok says:
Adding and deleting a dummy task in the webapp and in Android definitely worked!! You are cool, Phyneas.

chrisaudet says:
Good to see I'm not the only person experiencing this issue. I'm sure the devs will look into it soon enough.
Affected platforms in my case are iPhone app and webapp.
Something seems to be borked on the backend.
Affected platforms in my case are iPhone app and webapp.
Something seems to be borked on the backend.

kevinwortman says:
Same here.

cr0ck says:
Having the same problem with Android 10 phone (Huawei), but Android 9 tablet (Samsung) works.

sfwe0 says:
Same here

janos.sebok says:
Try the fix above. Add and then delete a task on your devices and the web interface. It have worked for me ever since.

mcglear says:
@janos.sebok: That fix did not work for me. The Android App still doesn't sync at all (even though it gladly lets me create and delete a task - it only mentions it doesn't actually sync when I force a refresh).
And the Webapp syncs across devices (so on each webapp as well as the browser-based standalone clients the tasks get synced) and has done so before trying above "fix", but it still won't let me do anything besides creating and completing tasks (so no editing lists, no drag and drop, etc.)
And the Webapp syncs across devices (so on each webapp as well as the browser-based standalone clients the tasks get synced) and has done so before trying above "fix", but it still won't let me do anything besides creating and completing tasks (so no editing lists, no drag and drop, etc.)

Same here - I am getting this No Connection errors since yesterday. After re-installing the app, I cannot even log in back - sync stucks on "Setting up your account" and after sometime throws me back on a login/signup screen.
Deleting a task on webapp didn't help, but I was doing this after uninstalling.
Deleting a task on webapp didn't help, but I was doing this after uninstalling.

mcglear says:
Update: While Android still isn't connecting at all, the Webapp now doesn't even seem to notice it's broken: I can update lists (and even see the smartlist react correctly in real-time) but it doesn't actually save those changes - so on other devices or upon tab reload, the lists look the same as before.
But hey, it's 6 am in San Francisco, maybe the devs will wake up soon.
But hey, it's 6 am in San Francisco, maybe the devs will wake up soon.

Seems like it's working again now for me (the Android app and syncing). Annoyed to see it took so long for this to get resolved...especially since the STATUS ( said everything was A-OK when it wasn't :(
Sigh... I hope it works for everyone else as well.
Sigh... I hope it works for everyone else as well.

mcglear says:
It's working for me again, too.
I've been complaining about the RTM team not being present on the ideas forum for quite some time now, but the fact that they fail to communicate what is / was going on with their server today makes things much worse. Not a single tweet, no blog post, no In-App-Alerts, no forum posts. Their service had a 36 hour downtime and yet they don't make any public statements whatsoever ...
I've been complaining about the RTM team not being present on the ideas forum for quite some time now, but the fact that they fail to communicate what is / was going on with their server today makes things much worse. Not a single tweet, no blog post, no In-App-Alerts, no forum posts. Their service had a 36 hour downtime and yet they don't make any public statements whatsoever ...

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the inconvenience! This was corrected earlier today (around noon UTC) and all list and sync problems should no longer occur.
Sorry our status wasn't updated: by the time we were able to update it this morning the problem was resolved.
Let us know if you're seeing anything else or contact us if you need any more specific or private help!
Sorry for the inconvenience! This was corrected earlier today (around noon UTC) and all list and sync problems should no longer occur.
Sorry our status wasn't updated: by the time we were able to update it this morning the problem was resolved.
Let us know if you're seeing anything else or contact us if you need any more specific or private help!