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Android Widget

angele1992 says:
Hello :)
I am using a Samsung S9 (Android 10). When i try to add a List Widget (3x3 or a 2x2), I can select Today, this week, etc.
But I have no "Save" button or anything, only a X in the upper left corner.
When I press the X, the widget is not added. When I try again to add a widget, the widget is stuck on "Exclusive for Pro" and automaticaly shutdown the app.

I tried to reinstall the app and reboot my phone, but nothing helps.

Can you help me please :)

Posted at 7:56am on March 2, 2020
angele1992 says:
Nevermind, this problem has been solved! :)
Posted 5 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi angele1992,
I'm glad to hear this is solved now! Let us know if we can help with anything else!
Posted 5 years ago
suedasil says:
Hey! Is it correct that the widgets can only be used in the Pro Version? Thanks! :)
Posted 4 years ago
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