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Repeating Tasks still Duplicating Themselves

(closed account) says:
Hello there,

see :

This problem still exists in the web app, I encounter it at least once every week.

Any solution?
Posted at 10:21am on January 9, 2020
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi matthias_1,
That issue ended up being an issue on our end affecting a group of users. We don't see the same issue now but we will investigate!

In the meantime, is it possible this is occurring with an "every" repeat? Those would stack up if not completed.

If you wanted to send any details privately, you could contact us with some screenshots etc.

Keep us posted on what you find!
Posted 5 years ago
harald_koschinski says:
Same Problem for me - annoying :-(
Posted 4 years ago
driguima says:
Same here!
we have repeating tasks for every day and even when all tasks are completed on one day, the following day a few tasks show up duplicated. It is actually annoying because you have to delete one, disable the repeat. Go back to the task i decided to keep and change it again to repeat every day.
Posted 4 years ago
t3gu3r says:
Yup. Happening to me too. Please fix this!
Posted 4 years ago
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