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Tasks disappearing and refusing to stay checked when completed

stephaniemesler says:
I have two problems. 1. I create a new task or subtask and later find it has disappeared completely. Happened twice today when I posted a new subtask. Then when I went to edit it, the task was nowhere to be found. So created that subtask again along with another. When I completed both, I went to check them off the list and BOTH new subtasks have vanished.
2. Many of my subtasks come back again. I check that they are completed and, by the next time I look at the same list, they are back.
Posted at 10:15pm on November 22, 2019
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi stephaniemesler,
Sorry to hear about that! If you have multiple apps it may help to review them to see if your changes are saving elsewhere—maybe they're just not displaying in your app for some reason?

Also, it'd help if you can contact us by email so we can help more specifically. It sounds like something may be affecting your app from one side or the other, and we'd want more details to see what you're experiencing specifically.

Posted 5 years ago
migloth says:
I have also had this experience. It always goes like this...
I use the mobile app on my android phone to postpone a recurring task or subtask. I can see the next iteration on my mobile app but it has completely disappeared from the browser-based app or from the desktop (Windows 10x64) app. To bring it back, I have to either recreate it, or find a completed iteration of the [sub]task, and duplicate it; this makes two copies show up in the mobile app, but not in the browser/desktop app, so I delete the 'real' copy from my mobile, update the duplicated copy from my mobile to the correct next due date and it's back in sync.
I have tried clearing the mobile app data, and that results in the [sub]task disappearing from the mobile app too.
Posted 5 years ago
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