Problems syncing

davidfarquhar says:
I've been having problems syncing my phone and tablet for 24 hours, now my desktop is having connection problems. Anyone else having any issues? I;ve emailed support, but just wondered how widespread it might be

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi davidfarquhar,
It looks like I had forgotten to reply here but I think we had discussed this by email and resolved it.
Any lingering problems or if anyone else is experiencing problems like this, please contact us so we can look into this, thanks!
It looks like I had forgotten to reply here but I think we had discussed this by email and resolved it.
Any lingering problems or if anyone else is experiencing problems like this, please contact us so we can look into this, thanks!

I'm experiencing the same problems -- sudden lack of syncing between iPhone and MacBook Pro ... and also, I find that I update my to do list on the MacBook Pro, but 15 minutes later, the completed tasks are showing as not completed. I've been an avid Remember the Milk user for several years, so I don't think it's me doing something wrong. :-)