Lost all due dates

dsimonlurie says:
Sometime in the past 48 hours, I lost all of my due dates. This happen to anyone else? Super annoying!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi dsimonlurie,
Sorry to hear that!
It's possible to do this in the web/desktop app by selecting your tasks and adjusting the dates with the keyboard shortcuts.
This was particularly easy to trigger in the older web app, so in the newer web app we changed the selection shortcuts so this wouldn't be as easy to do just by typing. (Selection shortcuts require a '*' ahead of time.)
If you're using the older web app you can check this and switch over on our website or at the top right of the web app (the older app will show "New Stuff").
If you had exported your tasks previously in a JSON, you would be able to import that back into your account.
Let us know if any of that helps or if you need any tips for correcting your tasks!
Sorry to hear that!
It's possible to do this in the web/desktop app by selecting your tasks and adjusting the dates with the keyboard shortcuts.
This was particularly easy to trigger in the older web app, so in the newer web app we changed the selection shortcuts so this wouldn't be as easy to do just by typing. (Selection shortcuts require a '*' ahead of time.)
If you're using the older web app you can check this and switch over on our website or at the top right of the web app (the older app will show "New Stuff").
If you had exported your tasks previously in a JSON, you would be able to import that back into your account.
Let us know if any of that helps or if you need any tips for correcting your tasks!