Reminders should not depend on start/due dates

I often have task with no definitive due date and with no start date (i.e. date before which I cannot work on the task, for whatever reason) but for which I would like to set a reminder to prompt me to do the task at a specific time (if I haven't spontaneously thought to do it before that time). RTM does not allow me to set a reminder unless a start or due date is also set.
RTM should allow reminders to be set for any task. Similarly, I should be able to set the reminder for any date and time that I want, independent of whether/how start/due dates/times are set (or not set).
RTM should allow reminders to be set for any task. Similarly, I should be able to set the reminder for any date and time that I want, independent of whether/how start/due dates/times are set (or not set).

apgordon says:
Hm. Not really understanding the need here, sorry. Isn't the point of the reminder to remind yourself to start the work? What's so bad about using the Start Date for that?