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Does remember the milk task synch with Outlook 365?

ml08011387 says:
Does remember the milk task synch with Outlook 365?
If you don't have it already, Can you please share estimated release date?
I have a license and I can't seem to synch my tasks anymore.
Posted at 4:29pm on December 17, 2018
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi ml08011387,
MilkSync syncs with desktop versions of Microsoft Outlook (through Microsoft's add-in framework). It can sync with Outlook 365 licenses, but it does not sync with online editions of Outlook.

Let us know if we can ever help with anything else!
Posted 6 years ago
james.brimble says:
Are there plans to make this work with Outlook on a Mac?
Posted 6 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi james.brimble,
Unfortunately Microsoft does not offer the same add-in framework (or anything equivalent) for macOS so there's currently no way to tie in to macOS versions of Outlook. :(

Let us know if we can ever help with anything else!
Posted 6 years ago
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